Sandra, auteur/autrice sur Immo Partner Thu, 23 Feb 2023 09:42:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sandra, auteur/autrice sur Immo Partner 32 32 Lucien Douwes best real estate agent in Luxembourg Wed, 09 Nov 2022 13:39:19 +0000 L’article Lucien Douwes best real estate agent in Luxembourg est apparu en premier sur Immo Partner.

Returning to Luxembourg from the 29th European Property Awards with an amazing feeling.
The European Property Awards are the largest, most prestigious, and widely recognised programme throughout the regions.
The European Property Awards are judged by an independent panel of over 80 industry experts throughout Europe.

Judging focuses on design, quality, service, innovation, originality, and commitment to sustainability.

The judging panel is chaired by Lord Caithness, Lord Best, and Lord Waverley, members of the House of Lords in the UK Parliament.

Over 2.500 agencies from Europe were present and Luxembourg was present in high numbers.

This year no agency in Luxembourg got awarded with the 5-star level award and best agency, I am happy that the judges do their work serious and are judging with integrity, codes of conduct, and moral values, it shows us again that you must be the best to deserve this award.
This means that we must push even more the coming year to provide the best and most complete services in the real estate market in Luxembourg.

I want to thank my staff for the excellent work they do during the year, we have the best trained professionals who love their job.
I am absolutely delighted and proud to be awarded a Five Star award for best real estate agent in Luxembourg, the highest award category at the European Property Awards.
I want to thank my team and especially my clients for their trust.
Lucien Douwes

L’article Lucien Douwes best real estate agent in Luxembourg est apparu en premier sur Immo Partner.

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Immo Partner, l’Agence Privée à votre service Wed, 06 Jul 2022 10:08:23 +0000 L’immobilier est notre passion Notre politique de travail est d’être à l’écoute de notre client qu’il soit vendeur ou acheteur. En effet, nous mettons un point d’honneur sur la qualité de nos biens grâce à un portefeuille de biens modéré mais aussi à la personnalisation de nos services grâce à une équipe de professionnels de […]

L’article Immo Partner, l’Agence Privée à votre service est apparu en premier sur Immo Partner.


L’immobilier est notre passion

Notre politique de travail est d’être à l’écoute de notre client qu’il soit vendeur ou acheteur.

En effet, nous mettons un point d’honneur sur la qualité de nos biens grâce à un portefeuille de biens modéré mais aussi à la personnalisation de nos services grâce à une équipe de professionnels de l’immobilier motivés et constamment formés ainsi que des partenaires exclusifs.

Lorsque vous décidez de vendre votre maison ou appartement, nous vous accompagnons tout au long du processus de vente qui se traduit par l’estimation, l’accès aux plateformes immobilières les plus influentes du Luxembourg ainsi qu’aux réseaux nationaux et internationaux de qualité.

Notre agence immobilière Immopartner a été la première au Luxembourg à obtenir le prestigieux prix de « Meilleure agence immobilière » aux « European Property Awards ». Ce prix nous été remis entre autres grâce à nos services en tant qu’agence privée.

A quoi sert une agence privée ?

En tant qu’agence privée, nous vous proposons un niveau de prestation unique en son genre lors du processus de vente ou de location de votre bien. Nous mettons à votre disposition une assistance privée dans toutes vos transactions et/ou démarches d’un point de vue administratif, juridique, commercial et technique qui pourrait vous être nécessaire et ce, dans la plus grande discrétion.

Notre mission quotidienne réside dans l’assistance que nous proposons à nos clients dans leurs tâches administratives et surtout notre intermédiation avec le notaire. En effet, nous nous occupons de toutes les obligations légales ainsi que les communications avec le notaire et les services du gouvernement.

D’un point de vue juridique, nous avons la possibilité de nous occuper de tout ce que vous souhaitez avec à notre côté un comptable, un avocat, un fiscaliste de confiance dans le cas où vous auriez des questions plus précises au niveau légal mais aussi quant à la valorisation de votre patrimoine.

L’objectif de notre agence est d’offrir du confort à nos clients et de les décharger de tous les tracas occasionnés par la vente ou la location de leur bien pour se concentrer sur leur vie quotidienne et professionnelle.

En résumé, nous nous occupons de tout. De la coordination de votre déménagement, l’aide à l’installation dans votre nouveau logement, et les formalités administratives (changements d’adresse, assurance, électricité, eau, etc). Mais aussi la mise à disposition ou l’accueil de prestataires en journée (électricien, chauffagiste, jardinier, peintre, etc.) si nécessaire et/ou si vous le souhaitez.

Grâce à tous ces différents services, nous avons acquis un savoir-faire unique auprès de nos clients privilégiés et nous vous assurons une réponse adaptée et adéquate à vos exigences. Nous mettons également un point d’honneur à ce que ces services soient à votre disposition même après la transaction de votre bien.

Avec Immo Partner, vous êtes déchargés de toute question et/ou problème à régler avant, lors, et après la vente ou la location de votre bien! Pour nous faire part de vos demandes particulières, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

L’article Immo Partner, l’Agence Privée à votre service est apparu en premier sur Immo Partner.

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The right price is our specialty! Wed, 06 Jul 2022 10:07:07 +0000 Immo Partner Lucien Douwes is the manager of Immo Partner, a major real estate player in the north of Luxembourg. He explains how the valuation of a property is a crucial phase during a transaction. Established in Troisvierges for over 15 years and in Bettembourg since a few years, Immo Partner knows the Luxembourg market […]

L’article The right price is our specialty! est apparu en premier sur Immo Partner.


Immo Partner

Lucien Douwes is the manager of Immo Partner, a major real estate player in the north of Luxembourg. He explains how the valuation of a property is a crucial phase during a transaction.

Established in Troisvierges for over 15 years and in Bettembourg since a few years, Immo Partner knows the Luxembourg market perfectly. The professional team of Immo Partner attaches great importance to property valuation, “This is a crucial step”.
Therefore, being accompanied by a locally established agent is essential for several reasons: he knows the environment perfectly, the specificities of the local market and the market pricing, since he has already sold similar properties…”

Everything has a (fair) price

This step requires time and methodology. The agent must observe the environment of the property, study the future constructions nearby, ask the question of a possible added value. “We cannot just assess the value of a property by looking at the price per m² alone. A well-made estimate requires at least two days of work and must be invoiced. For clients who will complete the transaction, this cost will be deducted from the commissions collected by the agency in case of a sale”.
In detail, a part takes place on the spot, the rest of the work is done in the office (the discussions with the municipality, the administrative hassle, …). During the second meeting, a duly substantiated figure is proposed… “The agent is responsible for assessing the right amount. If it is too high, the professional can be taken to court. It is therefore necessary to require a writing. When agencies practice oral estimates, it is a way for them to absolve themselves of their responsibilities”.

The human factor

In this context, trust is paramount. Everyone must know each other well, even if it means asking questions about the career of the professional on one hand, the possible defects of the property on the other. “Our job is a matter of human ties”, insists Lucien.
Therefore, the notion of exclusivity is no longer a taboo. “People are afraid of being tied hand and foot.
Still, they are entitled to seek damages for the money they lost if the agency fails to do its job. Even to terminate their contract. »
And the commissions? Immo Partner sets them at four percent, against an average of three percent.
“It’s a commitment: our exceptional services are worthy this slightly higher commission rate” maintains the manager. “That is why a good estimate induces a fast transaction. Failing that, it is because the property has been misjudged”. Whatever happens, Immo Partner always keeps in touch and suggests reviewing certain details if necessary. In the same way, it is necessary to “know how to refuse a mandate if the seller is obviously too greedy”.
Lucien Douwes therefore calls for beware of free estimates delivered on the website and their algorithms. “It is a mistake to think that you can do this without an experienced agent”.
From the valuation to the finalization of the transaction, using a professional has a cost. It is not appropriate to ignore 350 euros for the valuation of your property at Immo Partner, these cost which does often not even cover the administrative costs of the company and represents a fraction of the amount that the client can lose if an estimate is wrong. “It is also the guarantee of a secure, fast operation at the right price.

L’article The right price is our specialty! est apparu en premier sur Immo Partner.

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Reactions of a professional to the real estate market Wed, 06 Jul 2022 10:05:11 +0000 Public Relations Manager of Immo Partner, a real estate agency with a dual location, in Troisvierges for more than 15 years and more recently in Bettembourg, Lucien Douwes closely follows the evolution of the real estate market and the discussion around agency commissions. Lucien Douwes knows the Luxembourg real estate market perfectly and is committed […]

L’article Reactions of a professional to the real estate market est apparu en premier sur Immo Partner.

Public Relations Manager of Immo Partner, a real estate agency with a dual location, in Troisvierges for more than 15 years and more recently in Bettembourg, Lucien Douwes closely follows the evolution of the real estate market and the discussion around agency commissions.
Lucien Douwes knows the Luxembourg real estate market perfectly and is committed to offering quality services in an increasingly competitive market, the current discussion on agency commissions disturbs the manager. “I think this is a false discussion. We must not forget that for us too everything is increasing: price of publications on the various real estate platforms, administrative costs, salaries and travel of our employees. A quality service has a cost and our 4% commission is justified if, like me, we value this quality…”
Without forgetting that this quality is recognized, Immo Partner having been designated by the “European Property Awards” best real estate agency in Luxembourg and this 3 times over the last 4 years.

« The commission rate is justified »

As the young entrepreneur explains, from the first contact with a client to the signing of a deed of sale, a serious agent must do meticulous work that takes time. It starts with the valuation of the property, which is a crucial step. The agent must analyze where the property is located, take into account possible future constructions, transport and commercial infrastructures nearby, question the merits of an added value, etc.
Started on site, this assessment continues in the office and lasts at least two days. Solely responsible for the assessment of the amount, an erroneous assessment may lead to a claim for damages by the customer, in the event of loss of money or termination of the contract. Quality work is therefore of great importance. In any case, the cost of this estimate is deducted from the agency commission and reduces it accordingly. Moreover, an agency does not sell an object every day and its income is therefore fluctuating.

Too many agents for little will to change

Another point that bothers Lucien Douwes is the ease with which it is possible to become a real estate agent in Luxembourg. “Compared abroad, the density and number of agencies are impressive. While it is true that training with the Chamber of Commerce is necessary, this only lasts a few months and many people who enter the market have a distorted image of it. Too many agencies lead to unbridled competition and overpricing and therefore price increases. »
Lucien also believes that the increase in real estate, while real, is not so overrated. « What we are experiencing in Luxembourg is a European phenomenon and is also true in neighboring countries and metropolises. The price increases are almost identical, except that in Luxembourg we start from an already higher price at the base. »
The situation of the real estate market in Luxembourg has been known for many years, but what has been done to counter the movement of increases and increase the number of objects is insufficient, according to him. « There are other ways to get into the market as well as many examples of other countries and places where this has been done. But for change to take place, all players must act together and show a real will. It is not up to a single actor to do so. »

L’article Reactions of a professional to the real estate market est apparu en premier sur Immo Partner.

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March 8 is the International Women’s Day Wed, 06 Jul 2022 10:03:18 +0000 L’article March 8 is the International Women’s Day est apparu en premier sur Immo Partner.

On this occasion, we decided to focus on the place of women in the world of real estate in Luxembourg.
Indeed, unlike our French neighbors or our counterparts across the Atlantic, the real estate network in Luxembourg is mainly run by men.
Fortunately, mentalities are changing and we can see that real estate agency teams are increasingly mixed. This diversity would have many benefits, since it would promote creativity, the efficiency of the company and its dynamism.
On the employee side, the profession of real estate agent is one of the few that provides great flexibility, which is not negligible in the management of the daily and family life of women.
We also notice that on the other side of the screen, when looking for a property, it is the woman who initiates the procedures and searches on the web. Indeed, according to studies carried out, we note that unlike other sites, the distribution between men and women is almost identical, while for real estate sites are consulted more by women than by men.
This means that in addition to being decision makers in the choice of housing, women seem to be more involved than their companions in the search for real estate. Indeed, all real estate agents agree on this point: when it comes to buying real estate, it is the woman who has the last word !

And at Immo Partner ?

« Lucien Douwes, our boss has surrounded himself with an all-female team. I think that our added value for his company is our rigour, our sensitivity to wanting to do things and to best support our customers in their purchase/sale project. Lucien also pays us back with his great flexibility in managing our family lives, which is not negligible for us. Indeed, I have always been interested in real estate and I did not hesitate to make it my job. My social life is also very important to me, being a real estate agent is the ideal job to juggle both. In short, we have found a nice balance and the atmosphere is always there at Immo Partner ! » L. N.

L’article March 8 is the International Women’s Day est apparu en premier sur Immo Partner.

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L’état des lieux du marché immobilier luxembourgeois Wed, 06 Jul 2022 09:57:30 +0000 Des coûts de construction plus élevés, moins de nouveaux bâtiments et des taux hypothécaires en hausse. Ce sont tous des conséquences pour le marché Luxembourgeois. « Nous allons certainement en souffrir. Les chaînes de distribution sont sous pression », déclare Lucien Douwes, expert en immobilier diplômé de l’université de Nürtingen-Geislingen. Production sous pression « À long terme, la […]

L’article L’état des lieux du marché immobilier luxembourgeois est apparu en premier sur Immo Partner.


Des coûts de construction plus élevés, moins de nouveaux bâtiments et des taux hypothécaires en hausse. Ce sont tous des conséquences pour le marché Luxembourgeois. « Nous allons certainement en souffrir. Les chaînes de distribution sont sous pression », déclare Lucien Douwes, expert en immobilier diplômé de l’université de Nürtingen-Geislingen.

Production sous pression

« À long terme, la production sera sous pression », conclut l’expert. Il fait référence au fait que l’Ukraine et la Russie sont deux fournisseurs importants, en particulier pour les matériaux et les produits nécessaires au secteur de la construction, notamment pour les métaux et le bois.

Ces chaînes d’approvisionnement étaient déjà affectées par la pandémie, on assistait déjà à une inflation des métaux et du bois, et la guerre n’a fait que confirmer cette augmentation des prix. Il est désormais plus délicat d’y accéder, rendant la construction plus difficile et plus coûteuse. Cependant, Douwes ne pense pas que l’afflux de réfugiés en provenance d’Ukraine augmentera davantage la pression sur le marché du logement.

Effets opposés

« D’une part, les taux d’intérêt augmentent en raison de la forte inflation. Vous pouvez emprunter moins en tant que ménage, donc payer moins pour une maison. On constate également le coup porté à l’économie à la suite de cette guerre. En effet, les acheteurs deviennent plus prudents. », explique l’expert, il y voit des effets opposés dans la crise actuelle sur le marché du logement. Dans les deux cas, et toujours selon lui, cela peut refroidir le marché du logement.

« D’un autre côté, le fait qu’il soit plus difficile de construire exerce une pression supplémentaire sur le marché du logement », affirme le spécialiste de Immopartner. « Ce que nous savons, c’est que nous nous attendons maintenant à ce que l’économie luxembourgeoise croît moins rapidement cette année, mais qu’elle continue à bien se développer et que le chômage reste faible. », ajoute t-il. Pour beaucoup de gens, ce sont des impulsions nécessaires pour les convaincre de faire des achats importants, comme une maison.

Les prix de l’immobilier continuent d’augmenter

En cette période de crise sanitaire et politique, le prix des biens immobiliers n’est pas à la baisse. « Nous nous attendons à ce que les prix des maisons continuent d’augmenter cette année. Nous supposons qu’elles seront environ 6% plus chères cette année que l’année dernière. », annonce Lucien Douwes.

L’article L’état des lieux du marché immobilier luxembourgeois est apparu en premier sur Immo Partner.

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